NBDN x Carnivores Soul ‘YOKAI CAT’ BAKENEKKO 14oz Sanforized
$ 139
[NBDN X CARNIVORES SOUL VOL. 2: YOKAI CAT: BAKENEKKO. Here’s the look of NBDN x Carnivores Soul Vol. 2: ‘Yokai Cat: BAKENEKKO 14 Oz Sanforized Selvedge Denim’ and they are till up for grabs. Made from 14 Oz Sanforized indigo x black selvedge denim. This limited edition collaboration showcases the dedication and craftsmanship of both NBDN and Carnivores Soul. NBDN X Carnivores Soul returns with Vol. 2 of our bold collaboration: ‘Yokai Cat’ Bakenekko 14 Oz Sanforized — a fusion of artisanal craftsmanship and daring design.
Spesification :
- 14oz Sanforized Indigo x Black White Selvedge Denim
- NBDN Backpocket Details – NBDN Blue Tab – Chainstitch Runoff
- Carnivores Soul Backpocket Details – Hidden Arm Wrestling Arcuate
- Exclusive NBDN Sashiko Patch
- Zipfly
- Mid rise
- Yokai Cat Denim Patch
- 100% Cotton, 100% Selvedge, 100% Shuttle Loomed
- 100% Hand Process, 100% Artisanal Jeans
- Poly Cotton Heavy Thread (super strong thread)
- Yokai Cat Pocket & Yoke Lining
- Yokai Cat Denim Patch
- Mixed Constructions Hardware Details